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To English.
Esura to Tagil!
Hey, brother! When I learned that they would let me message you, I was thrilled! It’s a shame that you won’t be able to read these letters for a while, but I will still write to you very frequently! Don’t feel bad that you’re unable to respond yet, it’s okay.
Don’t you think it’s crazy that they need so many guardians out there right now? The Blight haven’t made an appearance (let alone attacked) in such a long time… Maybe Command is just nervous right now. If the legend is true, surely it’s closer to being fulfilled now that you are combat-ready. However, I’ve learned that any sort of siege held by the enemy was trivialized through application of the Frenzy Bell. So for what purpose are the guards so far from home?
It’s upsetting, because I was hoping to see you at least once after graduation. I wish they would tell me why.