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To English.

Esura to Tagil


Work is sooo boring, it’s driving me nuts. It’s always fun to see the children scampering about, playing, and going about their days, but it gets old. I really want a challenge, and that’s not something that can be found in the Nursery. I often stare into the forever waters outside the wall, like we would when we were kids. There has never been another one like you here. They’re all the same to me.


I’d take up a new hobby, but frankly I’m running out of things to try. There isn’t a fraction of this City I haven’t explored, and all of my ventures have outgrown me. I can hear you now, “just start a new one, Es!” Yeah, I could. But I won’t. I’m tired. I’m tired of all of this. And I know that you feel the same.


They told me that these messages are completely private between the two of us. And since I have the same security clearances as you, I want you to tell me everything that’s going on over there. Because nobody else will. Thanks. Can’t wait to hear back.